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Easiest Cleaning Checklist (FREE PRINTABLE)

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

A clean house.... all the time. Is that even possible?? With virtual offices becoming the new norm, we are stuck in the house now more than ever before. And when you are literally surrounded by the same four walls 24/7, you want it to be an enjoyable experience. This is where checklists can be a lifesaver.

Here's a secret that I don't share often enough.... "You don't have to clean for hours a day to have a tidy house." I promise you that it only takes 30 minutes to an hour daily to make your abode look great. Want to be ready for guests at the drop of a hat? Start using an easy cleaning checklist like the one below!

One of the biggest struggles people have is not knowing what to clean and how often to clean it. And who wants to spend hours on a Saturday tackling every inch of their home? No one, that's who! A cleaning checklist cuts out all the guesswork because it tells you what to do and when to do it. There is zero room for ambiguity.

Recently I have been on the hunt for the perfect cleaning checklist. I found one I really liked but it listed chores that either 1) didn't apply to my home or 2) weren't that essential to me. So I decided to make my own FREE PRINTABLE and share it with you. It contains my top chores to keep the home looking good all month long.

How do you get started with this CLEANING CHECKLIST? First, I would suggest printing each day off in a small size (ie 3x5). Then cut each day out and double-stick two days together so there is one on the front and back. I paired them into Monday/Tuesday, Wednesday/Thursday, Friday/Saturday and Sunday/Monthly. I then used a laminator like this Scotch brand one and the coordinating Amazon pouches to laminate the 4 sets. Cut the excess film from each side but not too close to the paper or the lamination separates.

When the week starts, use a magnetic clip to display the Monday/Tuesday card on the side of fridge. Because it is laminated, you can use a dry erase marker to check off each item as you finish OR you can be like me and just keep a mental note. When it's Tuesday, just flip your card over.

Some things you will notice on the cleaning checklist are daily tasks. These are chores I find need to be done a daily basis such as sweeping the floor and wiping the counters. I also dispersed the chores evenly so you aren't doing too much on any given day. Again who wants to spend hours cleaning? You will also notice a card for monthly tasks. When I have free time, I will pull that card out and complete one task from the list.

Get your FREE PRINTABLES here (PDF is ready to print; JPG lists each day individually):

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